
All kind of experiments with code including "legacy" web, ruby, python or all kinds of languages that didn't really need an isolated repo for it.

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Codes From Events

Company Event Date Track Project Name Link
RocketSeat NLW Together 2021-06 NodeJS NLW Valoriza Source
Alura Imersão React 2021-07 N/A Alurakut Source - Deploy
Alura Imersão Dev 2021-10 N/A 1 Project/day (10) Source - 🌟 - Deploy
RocketSeat NLW Return 2022-05 Impulse Feedback Widget Source - Deploy
RocketSeat NLW Return 2022-05 Origin DoctorCare Source - 🌟 - Deploy
RocketSeat NLW Setup 2023-01 Ignite Habits Source